Month: April 2016

Bar exam – DONE! On to other goals for 2016!

Study for bar exam – check.

Take bar exam – check.

Wooooohoooo!!!!!  Glad that that part is over, but I have LOTS more that I want to accomplish this year…or at least make lots of progress on.  While I have a list of goals that I want to accomplish this year, there are also longer term goals that I feel that I haven’t even realized that I have a desire of accomplishing yet.  But first, let me share my goals for this year…

  1. Lose weight
  2. Read more often (for fun!)
  3. Practice self care regularly
  4. Become homeowners
  5. Become a doula!

While I’m still adjusting back to “normal” now that the bar exam is done, I am posting this to try to find the motivation and energy to press on to other goals that I set out to accomplish this year.  But at the same time, in practicing self care (number 3 on the list above), I am also trying to accept that I need rest as well.

For the goals that I feel that I have not yet realized that I want to achieve, a friend recommended the book, Big Magic.  I look forward to reading this and reaching new heights.

To achieve these goals, I’ve found it important to use my passion planner which prioritizes these goals, breaks them down to specific and attainable components that I can accomplish daily or weekly.  Interestingly, while my brain was very focused and devoted to bar studying for the majority of this year thus far, much clarity came through as well with regards to long term life goals and purpose.

Additionally, another lesson that I re-learned through the bar study process, there is so much value and importance with taking the time to reflect.  Some people uses journals, or even perhaps this blog, but taking the time to reflect helps to assess where I am in achieving my goals and the progress made thus far.

What are your goals?  What has helped you accomplish your goals?